There are seven in this litter, four males and four females. Sienna is a gold Soft Coated Wheaten, and she weighs 31#. Acorn is a red Moyen Poodle, and he weighs 38#.

Breed: Whoodle / Wheaten-Poodle
Age: 18 weeks
D.O.B: May, 14 2024
Gender: Female
Allergy Scale: 3 - Good Choice
Activity Level: Playful
Shedding: Very Low Shedding, if any
Expected Size: 25-35


About The Whoodle / Wheaten-Poodle:

A Whoodle is a mix between a Soft Coated Wheaten and a Poodle. A Wheaten originates from Ireland as a farm dog. They do much better as a house pet rather than a farm dog. These pups will not shed and because of the Poodle in them will be good for most allergy issues. They will be active and playful but not overactive. They are affectionate and loving with their family but may be cautious with strangers. They will alert you to someone they don't know. They are responsive to their owner's wishes and very intelligent. The Terrier side could be a little head strong but the Poodle side should soften that up for you. They will be good with children and other pets if they are socialized from the start to that type of family environment. The basic all around personality will be sweet, sweet, sweet. Some of their exercise needs are met playing in the house however they do enjoy the outdoors and will love to go for walks. All your neighbors will stop you to see what type of dog that is. Keep your training pretty cut and dry, stick to the rules and don't bend. Be a little patient and consistent. Use some praise and some treats. They like to know they did good. For the first time owner we would recommend some puppy training classes. Grooming for them will be a little more than you would find for a pure Wheaten. They will need combed out several time a week with a hard comb and get down to the skin to keep the mats away. They will also need to go to the groomers about every 8 to 12 weeks. Your groomer will wash and clip them along with trimming their nails and plucking any hair out of their ears. This is a very pleasant small to medium sized dog that does not shed and will add some fun to the family day. People always ask me what is my favorite breed, there really isn't one but the Wheaten ranks as one of my top picks.


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